A-Cen is an anime convention held in Chicago/Rosemont, Illinois—I mentioned that I was attending it a few months ago, but I once again wanted to let y’all know that I’ll be there THIS weekend, from Thursday night to Sunday night! If you’re also going, I’d love to see you so we can maybe stalk the YYH cosplayers together, or something.
Hope y’all’re all having great weeks.
I was going to upload each picture right onto here, but it was taking too long so I hauled off and got a flikr account. Huzzah! Links to pics, organized by subject, have been provided below.
The only editing done to the images was a bit of cropping here and there; otherwise, these are untouched. I included all the shots I took regardless of quality just in case what I thought was a bad picture was something you actually needed. I'm a terrible judge of these things. Ha.
If you see yourself and want your cosplay taken down (or if you just want an uncropped version of the file, to say hello, or to chew me out for not capturing your good side), then by all means contact me at graphospasm69@gmail.com. I promise I don't bite. Much.
Devil May Cry: http://www.flickr.com/photos/63313044@N08/sets/72157626666186605/
Yu Yu Hakusho: http://www.flickr.com/photos/63313044@N08/sets/72157626666228753/
Will post more about the con itself (as well as some unthemed photos) later; for now, photo evidence that I made it back alive will have to suffice. =]
D'aw, hope you're having a blast. Share pictures when you get back!