Friday, June 24, 2011

Follow-Up & Possible Super-Powers

 I went to see Doctor W today for the follow-up appointment to my surgery, and I am happy to report Fred’s identity as a benign fibroma—AKA, I don't have cancer and, to quote the ever-so-eloquent Yusuke Urameshi, “TO BE ALIVE IS A WONDERFUL THING!”

Furthermore, I am "healing beautifully" and "weirdly quickly," too, leading me to believe that I have developed superpowers from all the Xray radiation I was subjected to in the pre-surgery "WTF IS THIS THING IN YOUR MOUTH" testing stage. Will report further developments should I start seeing peoples' underwear through their pants when I go out in public.

Your well-wishes meant so much. I love all y’all crazy folk!

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