Friday, June 17, 2011

"Fred is Dead" & "Those Are Jewish Cows"

This video is a horrible first impression for the people who have never seen me in person or heard me speak before. I swear I have the mental capacity to make myself look nicer and sound smarter than this. Hard to believe, I know.

ANYWAY, there are more awkward, pathetic, and even less coherent ramblings to come; Mom managed to get some rather nice medicated shenanigans on film. Will post later, after I drink copious amounts of tomato soup through a straw. Love all y'all!

UPDATE: New video of me first waking up. I have no idea if y'all will find this funny or what, but I thought you might like it regardless.

Once again, I have the capacity to look less stupid and more like a human being than this. Sort of. The lack of attention span is sort of normal.

Video title: "Those Are Jewish Cows". Can be found on youtube, here:

There are two other videos I might post at a later date. Keep and eye out. Love y'all!


  1. I'm really glad you're okay! Phew!

  2. Wow, I'm really glad you're okay Graph. You are a very funny druggy just so you know. The surgery looked like it seriously hurt though. *Shivers* I hate needles you brave, brave woman. Hope you feel better soon!
