Friday, June 24, 2011

Follow-Up & Possible Super-Powers

 I went to see Doctor W today for the follow-up appointment to my surgery, and I am happy to report Fred’s identity as a benign fibroma—AKA, I don't have cancer and, to quote the ever-so-eloquent Yusuke Urameshi, “TO BE ALIVE IS A WONDERFUL THING!”

Furthermore, I am "healing beautifully" and "weirdly quickly," too, leading me to believe that I have developed superpowers from all the Xray radiation I was subjected to in the pre-surgery "WTF IS THIS THING IN YOUR MOUTH" testing stage. Will report further developments should I start seeing peoples' underwear through their pants when I go out in public.

Your well-wishes meant so much. I love all y’all crazy folk!

Friday, June 17, 2011

"Fred is Dead" & "Those Are Jewish Cows"

This video is a horrible first impression for the people who have never seen me in person or heard me speak before. I swear I have the mental capacity to make myself look nicer and sound smarter than this. Hard to believe, I know.

ANYWAY, there are more awkward, pathetic, and even less coherent ramblings to come; Mom managed to get some rather nice medicated shenanigans on film. Will post later, after I drink copious amounts of tomato soup through a straw. Love all y'all!

UPDATE: New video of me first waking up. I have no idea if y'all will find this funny or what, but I thought you might like it regardless.

Once again, I have the capacity to look less stupid and more like a human being than this. Sort of. The lack of attention span is sort of normal.

Video title: "Those Are Jewish Cows". Can be found on youtube, here:

There are two other videos I might post at a later date. Keep and eye out. Love y'all!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fred, You Suck

                So I went to the dentist last Thursday. No cavities, I floss regularly, it was basically a routine visit—EXCEPT, of course, for the massive lump growing on my gum-line.


                The lump doesn’t hurt, or hinder my eating and/or talking capabilities, or do anything but really just sit there like a bump on a particularly talkative log, so I had just accepted it as a natural part of the landscape of my mouth until someone (AKA my dentist, Doctor B) decided to tell me otherwise.

Doctor B freaked out a little bit when he saw the lump, although he tried valiantly to hide it (there’s no place for nerves in a man who’s wielding sharp instruments inside another person’s mouth, after all). His hands didn’t shake and he kept his voice quite calm, but what gave his concern away was just how vehemently he wanted me to visit an oral surgeon, along with the look of utter horror on his face when he recommended a certain surgeon to me. Another clue to the gravity of this problem came in the form of Doctor B literally calling me every day until Tuesday, asking me to make an appointment because “you need to get the growth looked at as soon as possible.”

                Now, when people in medical profession use the phrase “ASAP,” most people get a little… worried. Understandably so. I, however, have absolutely no concept of what this “worrying” thing everyone keeps talking about might be, so I waited until the aforementioned Tuesday in order to make an appointment for today, Thursday.

My family and I joked about the lump during the day leading up to my visit to the surgeon; a betting pool was started, where we all wagered various chores on what, exactly, the lump might be. My bet was that the lump contained the vestigial bits-and-pieces of my evil twin (I know I have one somewhere); my mother went the safe route and betted that it was an abscess. Dad thinks I have a mutant anarchist tooth trying to sow the seeds of unrest beneath the delicate political balance of my molars. My elder sister just looked at us like we were nuts and put down garbage duty on the possibility of an infection.

                The appointment was today at 11 AM. I went into it feeling chipper, optimistic, and rather silly, because it felt like we were making a huge deal out of something minor. After all, it was just a little bump, only about as big as a pencil eraser! What in the world was Doctor B making such a big fuss about? Surely the surgeon would agree with me that this was all quite unnecessary, right?

                Alas, Doctor W, the surgeon, seemed to agree with Doctor B instead of me. He has me booked for surgery for 5 AM tomorrow, after dealing with me from 11 AM to roughly 11:01. He viewed the lump for maybe ten seconds and filled out the appropriate paperwork in another fifty.

                Apparently, the thing in my mouth means serious business. Obviously so.

                I don’t mean to scare any of you with this post. I’m sure I’ll be fine, and I’m sure the lump will turn out to be nothing. Doctor W says it’s a tumor (though whether it’s malignant or benign is currently unknown) and that it looks like the type that will grow unchecked if not promptly removed. The reason for the urgency of my surgery is because we don’t precisely know what the thing is—Doctor W is of the opinion that when in doubt, you need to cut it out, and this thing is prime cutting material. So, tomorrow I shall be doped up on Valium and some other crazy medications and have my tumor (whom I have affectionately dubbed ‘Fred’) excised.

On a brighter note, I’m going to attempt to have my mother tape me coming out of anesthesia, so that’s something to look forward to. I have an amazing track record of saying crazy things while under the influence of painkillers.

                 Future Talk will be posted sometime today! Look out for it!

                                Love, Graphospasm

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Parental Relationships

So, I got bored tonight and (very, VERY) briefly summarized the relationships between all of my Yu Yu Hakusho fanfiction original main characters and their parents. This was more for my benefit than anything: I wanted to see how each relationship compared, and if any overlapped to an unsatisfactorily excessive degree. There are some minor overlaps here and there (there are only so many parent-child combos, after all) but for the most part I think I’ve done an OK job of crafting these families.
It has occurred to me, however, that all of my OCs are only children. That seemed weird to me until I realized that the circumstances of my OCs’ births were all pretty out of the ordinary; for many of these non-nuclear families, second children would have been out of the question.
I tried my best to avoid spoilers, and the only ones you have to really worry about are both minor and in the final paragraph (which belongs to my OC from “Towers”, whose name is Noa).  Some details have been left out to avoid spoilers, so if you feel like you’re missing something, it’s because you probably are (ha ha?).

Future Talk: Dani and her parents are extremely close and honest with each other after weathering the storm of Dani’s many health problems as a tight, cohesive, and communicative unit. Dani trusts them with everything, though she is slightly more connected to her father than she is to her mother (her mother has a tendency to want to get her own way, whereas her father made a point to take Dani’s ideas into consideration).

Ren’s father is out of the picture, having divorced her mother and moved to Germany when Ren was a baby. Ren’s mother was close to Ren during Ren’s childhood, but then she became involved in Project DOA and stopped seeing Ren but for maybe once a month, leaving her to be raised by nannies and Dani’s parents. The adult-Ren no longer sees her mother as anything but a stranger, though internally she grieves the distance between them. Ren’s mother feels much the same, though with a tinge of added regret and guilty.  

Speak: Momo is close with her mother, who is more or less one of her best friends and her primary confidante since she is fluent in sign language and made sure Momo felt like a normal girl while growing up. Their bond is fierce, and though they are as close as best friends, Momo’s mother is also the type to defend her daughter until her last breath, even when Momo doesn’t want her mother to interfere. Momo is at arm’s length with her father, whom she treats with polite respect. They both wish to get to know each other better, but they are both awkward about it because of the drama in their family.

Scratch: Tora’s parents seek to protect her at all costs, but they also want her to live a normal life. Therefore, they are close to her but are very firm at times they think they’re in the right. Tora often needs her space from her parents when they get too worried over her affairs, but she loves her family very much. They love her as well, but they also fear her just a little since they don’t know what she truly is. They would never admit that fear aloud.

Fakes & Fiends: Chiyo has to take care of her father since he is a drunkard; they love one another, but he is a horrible father and they are both very much aware of his shortcomings—Chiyo’s father is a guilt ridden mess, and Chiyo resents him as much as she loves him. Chiyo’s mother distantly disdains Chiyo, but she isn’t above using her daughter when she can. Chiyo hates her mother, plain and simple, though she longs for a mother-figure in her life.

Saiyuri’s mother loves Saiyuri fiercely, but she is too cowardly to risk her life for her daughter’s sake. Saiyuri is more or less ambivalent on the subject of mothers. Saiyuri’s father views Saiyuri as a tool to be used and rarely (if ever) considers her feelings when he makes decisions about her life; Saiyuri both hates her father and longs for his approval and affection at once, striving to outdo him as a means of both putting him in his place AND showing him that she’s worthy of being his daughter.

Touched: Hina loves her mother, but she is also afraid of her mother while pitying her at the same time. Hina’s mother resents Hina to a certain extent, but she also wants to see Hina succeed in life and does not know how to reconcile her conflicting feelings. This results in Hina’s mother treating Hina in a bipolar fashion, one which does not allow Hina to trust her mother enough to become close to her. Hina’s mother sees this fear and hesitance and interprets it as hostility, which makes her in turn act hostile toward Hina, widening the rift between them.

Towers: Noa’s parents are deceased. Her aunt raised her and views Noa as a priceless object meant to be kept under lock and key. Her love for Noa (if you can call it that) is obsessive. Noa selflessly loves her aunt and does not realize how badly she is being treated at her hands.

Fics can be found here: HUZZAH!