Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Houston, We Have a Computer Problem

                My computer keeps randomly shutting down for no reason while I’m in the middle of working. Hence, writing FT has been super slow because I keep losing text. I routinely back it up online, but I still lose chunks here and there and IT’S SUPER INFURIATING. But, never fear, I’ll have the chapter up soon and we’ll still have a new one up Sunday as well. I’m planning on taking my laptop to a technician this week; hopefully they’ll be able to tell me what’s wrong and fix the problem before I go back to school on September 2nd.

                In other less stupidly infuriating news, I got a tattoo. GASP. I designed it myself and my artist refined it to be tattoo-able; will post pics eventually.

                Love you guys! 

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