Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New DA Account for Fanfic Chapters!

I've decided that I'm going to post chapters of my fics here on deviantART! 

This is going to be an arduous task, as you may well imagine (FT alone is over 70 chapters along at this point) and it's going to take up a lot of room in my gallery... which is why I've made another account entirely to house my almost-but-not-quite-a-library of fics.

The new account (with a really not-creative spin on my old icon) can be found by clicking the little hand I've somehow manged to paste into this post. 

:icongraphospasmff:The 'FF' after 'Graphospasm' stands for 'fanfiction'. I'm not terribly original with names. -_-;

I'm going to super-edit all of my chapters before posting--and by "super edit", I mean I'M GOING TO EDIT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM. To that end, if any of you like a particular chapter and would like to volunteer to edit/beta/mock/deface/vandalize/give me notes on it, I'd probably kiss your feet and weave a garland of flowers to adorn your generous hair. I know it's a lot to ask, but since I'm still writing the damn story editing the earlier chapters will take me a while. -_-; Any and all help is appreciated, though only if you're, like, bored and have nothing better to do, OK? I don't want to take up your time more than I already do with my constant weirdness!

Anywho, I love you guys to pieces, and the new FT chapter will (hopefully) be out within an hour or two when I get home from work and have access to a (hopefully) working FFNet.

--G :heart:

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